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Senior Citizen Programs & Information

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Video courtesy of the NFPA.

Senior Citizen Services Outreach Programs

The Fire District has several outreach programs that are specifically geared for seniors in our community.





If you are a senior living in a single family home, and are in need of a battery operated smoke detector, a smoke detector and battery will be provided to you at no cost. If you require assistance with the installation of the smoke detector, District Firefighters will install and test the detector.




S.A.F.E. is a acronym for Seniors and Fire Education. This program consists of presentations to senior organizations that cover not only fire safety for seniors, but also addresses other safety matters as fall prevention and other senior safety issues.




The Fire District's Fire Station #6 is not only a working fire station, but is also the District's Administration, Training and Maintenance Center. Senior tours of this facility are specifically designed with the senior in mind. Station #6 houses a fire museum which has elevator access, and generally interestss seniors.


Special attention is paid to our ambulance service and any questions concerning seniors and general EMS Operations can be answered. All areas of the building will be explored and seniors are encouraged to interact with the fire personnel on duty.


In addition, if the senior tour group desires, a short film concerning senior issues and fire safety will be shown in our training room.




At no cost to our seniors, the Fire District will assign experienced Fire Inspectors to a senior residence to evaluate fire prevention practices and to conduct a general life safety inspection. Suggestions for any corrective actions will be offered, with assistance for corrections provded by Fire Distrcit Personnel as required.




Seniors are invited to visit one of our fire staion any day of the week, at a reasonable hour, for blood pressure checks. Fire Personnel will advise you of the readings and answer any questions that you may have.




The Fire District has partnered with "WELL CARD" to provide free prescription discount card to our seniors. if you need a drug that is not covered by your insurance ot Medicare, the card can be used for up to a 65% savings. The card can also be used for vision, dental, and lab & imaging discounts.


For more information concerning Senior Services, call us at (815) 838/3287.



While many people wish for a "White Christmas," the reality is that snow and ice can be a painful one-two punch, especially for seniors who have arthritis or difficulty walking due to a previous stroke or other illness. A single fall can cause debilitating and costly injuries, but a few simple tips can help older adults stay safe and healthy through the winter months.

1. Falls: To help avoid falls, wear appropriate shoes outdoors and put road salt, sand or kitty litter on sidewalks and driveways. Better yet, if the walks haven't been cleared, ask friends or relatives for help with errands such as grocery shopping.

2. Safe Snow Shoveling: If you choose to shovel, take frequent breaks and go indoors when you get too cold. Dangers of snow removal range from back injuries that come from lifting and twisting to strain on the heart created by both strenuous movement and chilly temperatures. Safe shoveling tips include not shoveling after smoking, drinking alcohol or eating a heavy meal, using a small shovel will prevent you from lifting too much weight, and push snow rather than lifting it.

3. Stay Active: Staying indoors does not mean being inactive. Keep in shape by walking in place, using a stationary bike or working out with a fitness video, available at the local library. Daily stretching exercises can help maintain flexibility. Check with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

4. Bundle Up: Wearing tight clothes restricts movement, and puts more stress on the body, Make sure you wear layers of loose-fitting clothes, which tend to keep people warmer but are easy to take off a layer at a time if you get too warm from the exercise.

5. Keep Warm Indoors: Inadequate indoor heat also can cause hypothermia. Keep home temperatures above 65 degrees and dress in layers to maintain body temperature. If you have difficulty paying the heating bill, contact your gas or electric utility about ways to continue service through the winter.

6. Clean Air: If you heat your home with a fireplace, gas furnace or gas-powered space heater, invest in carbon monoxide detectors, which can be purchased at a home improvement store for as little as $30. Carbon monoxide in the air can displace the oxygen in your blood stream and cause headache, dizziness, nausea, convulsions and even death within two hours. The effects can be even faster for people with heart or respiratory illnesses.

7. Socialize: Depression is more common in the winter months, and bad weather can mean social isolation for many seniors. Make efforts to spend time with family, friends and neighbors, and when weather makes visiting difficult, pick up the phone for a chat.

8. Space Heaters: Remember space heaters need space. Make sure combustibles such as paper, bedding and curtains are at least 36 inches from the space heater. It is also important that the space heater is equipped with an automatic shut off switch that will kill the unit if it is knocked over. Remember to shut the unit off before retiring to bed.

9. Safe Driving: It is best if you can enlist someone younger to drive on ice and snow covered roads, but if you must drive, slow down. Remember it takes a longer distance to stop on ice and snow. Make sure you have a full tank of gas, and keep a blanket and a warm jacket in the trunk as well as ice melt or kitty litter for traction in case you become stuck.

10. Medications: Make sure you have an adequate supply of medications on hand so if a major winter storm should develop and roads are impassable, you will have a sufficient amount to last through the storm. Contact your doctor for additional information on an emergency supply of medicines and other medical needs during the winter season.


Fire safety begins with you

Learn what to do if a fire happens in your building. This is the best way to protect yourself and those around you.

This following information contains general advice for tenants of buildings that are three stories high or more.


Every fire is different. You must act quickly when you hear the alarm or discover a fire. You must always protect yourself from smoke.

Remember, most people die from smoke, not fire. Here is what to do:

Make as escape plan.


Know how to get out of every room of your unit.

Practice your plan at least twice a year, and make sure to keep your escape routes clear of clutter that may block your escape.

If there is a fire in your unit:

 Tell everyone in your unit to leave.

 Close all doors behind you.

Pull the fire alarm on your floor and yell fire.

Leave the building using the nearest stairway.

 Call the Fire Department when you are safe.

Meet the firefighters at the front entrance and tell them where the fire is.

Most of the time, the best thing to do in a fire is leave the building as soon as possible.


But in some cases you may not be able to leave and you may have to stay in your unit. In either case you must act quickly. No matter what your decision you must protect yourself from the smoke.

If you decide to leave the building:

Check the door to your unit. If smoke is entering from around the door, do not open it.


Protect yourself from smoke inside your apartment as described later.

 If there is no smoke, brace yourself and open the door a little.

 If you see smoke or feel heat, close the door quickly and protect yourself.

 If the corridor is clear, take your keys, lock your door, and go to the nearest stairway.


Check the door to your unit. If smoke is entering from around the door, do not open it. Protect yourself from smoke inside your apartment as described later.


If there is no smoke, brace yourself and open the door a little.

If you see smoke or feel heat, close the door quickly and protect yourself.

If the corridor is clear, take your keys, lock your door, and go to the nearest stairway,


 Open the nearest stairway door carefully.

 If there is no smoke, use the stairway to leave the building.

 If there is smoke, do not enter. Close the door. Go to another stairway and open the door carefully.


If there is no smoke here, use this stairway to leave the building.

If there is smoke, do not enter. If there are other stairways, try them. If there are not, return to your apartment and protect yourself from the smoke.

If you remain in your unit:

You must protect yourself from smoke. Stay in your unit until you are rescued or until you are told to leave.


To keep smoke from entering your unit, use duct tape to seal cracks around the door and place wet towels at the bottom. Seal vents or air ducts the same way.

If smoke enters your unit:

Telephone the Fire Department, tell them where you are and then move to the balcony. Close the doors behind you.

If you don’t have a balcony, go the most smoke-free room, close the door and seal it with tape and towels.

 Show your rescuers where you are by hanging a sheet from the window or balcony, or wave to get their attention.

Keep low to the floor where the air is cleaner. Listen for instructions from authorities.

Remember, fire safety is your responsibility. Know what to do and practice your plan of escape. For more information concerning fire safety contact the Fire District at (815)838-3287.




District Administrative Center | 19623 W. Renwick Road | Lockport, Illinois 60441-3600

Phone: (815) 838-3287 | Fax: (815) 838-9141


Monday thru Friday  7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

© 2025 Lockport Township Fire Protection District

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