The Lockport Township Fire Protection District has 5 Specialty Teams that respond to specific incidents that require specialized rescue equipment and training. The members of these teams are not only Fire Fighters/Paramedics, but they have obtained special certifications and train monthly to provide our citizens with the best service possible.
Dive - Swiftwater - ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle)
The Lockport Township Dive Rescue Team was established in 2007. The district is home to over 200 individual bodies of water, including retention ponds, and approximately 4 miles of the Des Plaines river, I&M Canal and Sanitary and Shipping Canal. The team works actively with MABAS 19 to respond to calls within district and across the south and southwest suburbs. Our members have obtained certifications and maintain skills in a wide range of water-related disciplines including ice rescue, boat operations, swift/flood water rescue, dive rescue, salvage/recovery and Remote Operated Vehicle operations.

The Lockport Township Fire District’s Hazardous Materials Team was formed in 2011. Currently the team is comprised of nine members trained to the technician level. These members are part of a the Southwest Hazardous Materials Response Team. This regional response team is comprised of members from MABAS 19 and 22. This membership allows our technicians to receive monthly training in identification, containment, and mitigation skills. It also allows the district access to the most up to date equipment.
The primary goal of the Hazardous Materials Team is to provide the citizens of the District the highest level of service possible. Our team members train all the operations level members on a regular basis. By ensuring all members of the Lockport Township Fire Protection District receive high quality operations level training, have access to chemical personal protective equipment, adequate monitoring equipment, and have access to individuals with technical knowledge; the team is providing the citizens of the District with the highest level of service possible.

The Lockport Township Fire District Fire Investigation Team was formally organized in 1993. Initially, the team was comprised of seven State of Illinois-Certified Fire Investigators and one State of Illinois-Certified Arson Investigator.
The Lockport Township Fire Investigation Team’s mission is to investigate the origin and cause of all fires within our fire district for the prevention of future fires. Fire causes are classified as accidental, incendiary, natural, or undetermined at the conclusion of an investigation. Our Fire Investigation Team, along with the Will County State’s attorney’s office and multiple law enforcement agencies within our fire district, has been successful in the identification, arrest, and conviction of persons involved in arson-related crimes. Our team assists, and can be assisted by, other fire departments with the investigation of fires through the MABAS box alarm system. ATF, OSFM, and accelerant K-9’s from other agencies are utilized as resources, as needed.

The Lockport Township Fire District’s Technical Rescue Team was established in 1993. Through its almost 30 years of existence the team has maintained the highest level of training and preparedness. Technical Rescue encompasses for different areas of training which include rope rescue, confined space rescue, trench rescue and structural collapse. These incidents though very seldom and rare do require a skilled and well-trained individual prepared and ready to respond when needed. Lockport’s Technical Rescue Team will continue to evolve and keep up with the newest training and technology in the industry, so to provide the highest level of service.