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Strategic Plan


I am proud to present the Lockport Township Fire Protection District Strategic Plan for 2021-2026. This document is a collaboration between our personnel and the community we serve. In an effort to understand where we

are, we must take a critical look at the challenges we need to address, and develop a plan for the future. This document not only reviews the accomplishments of the past year, but also sets goals for every area of the emergency service we provide, based on internal and external research. This past year, we celebrated our 125th year as a Fire Protection District. During that year we faced many challenges from financial, with the Rescue-Dime Referendum to emergency response with the COVID 19 pandemic. The fire district not only met these challenges, but also expanded the services we provide to our residents during this time.

Our goal has always been to provide the best possible emergency service to the residents we protect. In order to really understand if we are accomplishing this goal, we must take a critical look at our operation to see if there are things we can do better. That starts with an internal and external assessment by the people who work within the organization and the stakeholders within the community we serve.

This critical look at our operation, in relation to the needs of our community, helps us make the most efficient use of our resources by defining a plan on how we are going to accomplish our goals. This plan provides direction internally for our personnel and also lets the community know that their tax dollars are being put to good use.

Creating this strategic plan is a result of a great deal of hard work from many people who deserve credit for their efforts.

First, I would like to thank the community members and city officials who took time out of their busy schedule to participate in our survey. Their input provides an invaluable outside perspective of our services to the community. I also want to thank all of our personnel who completed the S.W.O.T. exercise, an analysis of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These two tools help provide administration with an understanding of some of the challenges we face and the issues we need to address moving forward. Thank you to all the Station Captains, Team leaders, and Division heads for providing their individual portion of this collective document. Lastly, special thanks to Deputy Chief Rossetto for his coordination of this project and Battalion Chief Blaskey for his document design.






District Administrative Center | 19623 W. Renwick Road | Lockport, Illinois 60441-3600

Phone: (815) 838-3287 | Fax: (815) 838-9141


Monday thru Friday  7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

© 2025 Lockport Township Fire Protection District

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